Majoring or Minoring in Computer Science

Majoring in Computer Science

To major in computer science, you must complete the following courses. All of these courses are four credits; there are 56 total credits.

Guidance and suggestions

Computer Science Major Essay Prompt

All students at Rhodes must write an essay as part of their major declaration process. Students seeking to major in computer science should write an essay of at least one page, double-spaced, about why they want to be a computer science major at Rhodes College. This essay should include a reflection of the student’s goals in pursuing a major in computer science; possible links between their computer science coursework and other courses taken or to be taken; what areas of computer science represent the student’s greatest interests; and what other areas of computer science will help the student to become more well-rounded in the major field.

Minoring in Computer Science

To minor in computer science, you must complete the following courses. All of these courses are four credits; this comes to 24 total credits.